Mandarin + Longleaf Christmas Food & Fellowship
We would like to bring the two campuses (MUMC and Longleaf) together, along with River of Life UMC for a fun time of food and fellowship on Sunday, December 17, at 12:30 PM, at the River of Life Campus, 2600 Race Track Road, St. Johns, FL 32259.
We are in need of several teams of volunteers to help make this fun event happen.
- A set up team of 5 people to be at River of Life at 11:30am to set up the room and start accepting and arranging the dishes as they arrive.
- A team of 2 people to oversee the dishes to replenish, replace or discard items as needed.
- A clean up team of 6 people to clean up all items that were brought over from MUMC and return the room back to the River of Life required set up.
- A team of 2 people to do any festive decorating that they see fit to add.
The congregation members are asked to bring a designated potluck dish as follows:
If your name starts with:
- A – F — a main dish
- G – L — a side dish
- M – R — a salad
- S – Z — a dessert
The staff will provide the drinks.